
We cannot imagine nothing …

When this body had travelled around the Sun 17 times, I pondered the fact that it is impossible to imagine nothing. Now, a few more trips around that shining orb later, I marvel and stand in awe of the fact that it is impossible to imagine who and what I am ...

The core paradigm shift of enlightenment

The core paradigm shift is from thinking that you are inside your body, to the felt knowing that your body is inside of you. This shift of perception is the truth that lies behind the old teaching story of "Before enlightenment chop wood, carry water; after enlightenment chop wood, carry water.

The Fulfillment Process

The Sacred Heart meditations – principles

The Sacred Heart meditations are meditations that guide you into relaxing and resting into the feeling of Being ... which will bring about the fulfillment of all desire (wanting) and the end of poverty consciousness.

Self-inquiry made simple

Ego: The False Witness

The principle of the "witness" (or observer) who is aware of the entire realm of human experience, is well-known in spiritual circles and the worlds of meditation and mindfulness. At first, for many people the witness takes the form of a mental concept, which, although not the whole truth, is a step up in consciousness.