
Mindful Releasing

We practice Mindful Releasing from the assumption that who and what we are is the embodiment of unconditional love and the already and always free Consciousness of Being. The truth is that, as Divine Consciousness, we are already free from suffering, already free from every form of bondage.

Dark Personality

Your dark, subconscious personality lives outside of everyday awareness and is often called "The Shadow" – a name coined by the psychologist Carl Jung. To be completely free from the emotions of apathy, grief, fear, lust, anger and pride that compose your dark personality, it is essential to first discover that you are not your … Continue reading Dark Personality

The Potential Problems with “Let it Be” and “Let it Go”

The simple principle of letting our thoughts and emotions be as they are, is incredibly powerful – if we then turn our attention within to the silence our mutual Heart-essence.

Embracing our fear of intimacy

The single greatest factor that holds most of us back from being the person we would love to be, who lives the life we would love to live ... is FEAR. And when it comes to our intimate relationships, fear can raise it's head big time.

Aversion – the Flip-side of Wanting

Desire for the pleasures of the world was called by Buddha "the root of suffering". In my experience this is absolutely true. However, what is often missed is that desire has two sides to it: wanting and aversion.